Funding the mission 3.0
Welcome to East Ohio District Online Giving!!!
The link that is provided below will take you to a user-friendly site that will guide you to helping out district reach its goals. Please follow the prompts that are given. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your support for the East Ohio District Budget. As a District we reach out to those in our communities to hear God's Word and become a part of His Kingdom. your support makes that possible as we work together in Him.
Your support for Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) budget helps the education needs on the regional University level and supports so many of students who attend there for their education.
Michael Adkins
East Ohio District Treasurer
Canaan Acres Camp Treasurer
4550 Belden Village NW, Suite 600
Canton, OH 44718
(330) 491-0115 - Office
(330) 495-2624 - Cell
need direct assistance?
Do you have a question, or have you ran into an issue giving? Contact Michael Adkins directly by filling out this information below and clicking "send".